
How Verify Works

Verify provides real-time matches, signals, and activity scores from our identity graph to identify real people and determine risk. Our technology fuels customer interaction platforms to drive smooth, authentic, profitable, and privacy-centric experiences.

Access diverse, high-assurance identity data via real-time API or batch intelligence install.


We compare the data in our identity graph with your data on a specific person to offer a risk score based on how well the information matches. Use matches to identify risk on a form field or credit card or loan application.


Verify's signal data offers valuable insight into our confidence about a person's identity, activity, and risk level. Use these highly-specific and high-value signals to build and train your advanced IDV and fraud algorithms.
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Verify provides a numerical score to help you determine the legitimacy of a given data point. Long-term regular activity is a positive signal, and new, sporadic activity from a specific identifier is considered negative.

Your Data.
Your Control.

Many identity solutions require you to pool your data with customer data from other clients before offering access to their platform. Your data never enters our graph. Maintain full control of your data while accessing our extensive data and insights.

Talk with an Expert

Simplified ID Verification

Enable a simplified, tested, real-time verification process that enhances security while removing cumbersome roadblocks for consumers.


Streamline your authentication

We continuously improve our linkages and signal data to help you eliminate manual verification checks and validate identities with minimal PII.

Improve customer experience

Provide highly accurate consumer verification and enhance security while eliminating unnecessary friction during the authentication process.

Fortified Fraud Protection

Connect the dots between 5B email addresses and 50B identity fragments to protect against fraud and maintain your brand reputation.


Optimize your models

With broad identity signal data, Verify trains your fraud risk models and algorithms, and equips your signal hubs with unmatched insights.

Improve customer confidence

Enhance your customer relationships with a privacy-conscious fraud solution that protects PII and helps prevent account takeovers.

Prevent synthetic fraud

You control the amount of friction during the authentication process, helping you curb fraud and combat synthetic account creation.

Banish bad actors

Match online and offline personas with a single graph to better assess risk in real time. Identify profiles that combine real and fake data.

Intensified Search Power

Integrate high-quality, ethically-sourced data to identify and locate people, run background checks, and find records faster and easier.


Recognize in real time

Identify real people, even with fragmented identifiers. Resolve data to a single individual, bridging online and offline identifiers.

Unlock key insights

Use Verify to identify data that fails to match household expectations. Create accurate dossiers on individuals for background checks.

Try Verify today.

Employ real-time identity resolution to give customers a swift but secure solution for ID verification and fraud prevention.